The Telecom Equipment Manufacturers Association (TEMA) has urged the Centre to reserve 20-30 per cent of BSNL’s 4G gear requirement for local vendors.

TEMA, an industry body representing domestic equipment makers, also said that the Centre should not insist on asking for proof of concept from local players as that would delay BSNL’s 4G roll out.

"TEMA feels that the proposed plan of government to ask domestic consortium for proof of concept, followed by one circle deployment and then full scale implementation may delay implementation of 4G by BSNL at least by one or two years and that may not be in the interest of BSNL,” NK Goyal, Chairman Emeritus, TEMA, said in a statement.

This comes even as the Centre asked BSNL to scrap the tender for buying 4G equipment as it did not leave room for buying equipment made by Indian manufacturers. The All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB) is organising a lunch-hour black-flag demonstrations on Thursday to protest against cancellation of 4G tender and delay in implementation of revival package among others.

TEMA has suggested that BSNL immediately procure 4G equipments from open tenders and compulsorily reserve at least 20 or 30 per cent for domestic companies.

“TEMA feels it is our duty to ensure that BSNL‘s interest are not compromised. Domestic companies are putting consortium of domestic manufacturers to supply 4G equipment. CDOT, ITI and several local R&D firms are playing critical role in build consortium to achieve their goal of manufacturing and supplying 4G equipment,” TEMA said

TEMA said Indian vendors should be those who have their global headquarters in India and are majority-owned by Indians.