Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, on Thursday, said that the government is gearing up to face the third wave while still fighting with the second wave. He warned district officials against relaxing restrictions on public movement and opening establishments in a hurry. He appealed to industries to venture into oxygen manufacturing.

“The second wave has not ended. While recovering from the second wave, we have to face the third wave. The danger of Delta Plus prevails. Considering these factors, the Health Department must ask districts to make arrangements for oxygen and ICU beds and field hospitals,” said Thackeray while speaking at a virtual meeting with government officials, including the district collectors of seven districts where the number of cases is comparatively high.

The CM asked district collectors not to take any risk while relaxing restrictions imposed to curb the number of Covid-19 cases.

State Chief Secretary, Sitaram Kunte, said that situation in seven districts, including three in Konkan, three in western Maharashtra and one in Marathwada, could turn critical due to the rising number of patients.

Oxygen preparedness

Thackeray also held a meeting with oxygen manufacturers and said that currently the State produces1,300 MT of oxygen daily and that there is a need to enhance this capacity to 3,000 MT daily.

The State government has announced various schemes and concessions for oxygen manufacturers, and will offer full cooperation to set up new units, said the CM.

Thackeray said that State must be self-reliant in oxygen supply. He added that industries are facing problems because of slow relaxation in lockdown restrictions.

“But the first priority is to save lives,” said the CM. Kunte appealed to industrialists to set up oxygen plants in remote parts of the State.

Vaccination on track

“Yesterday and day before five lakh and six lakh people were vaccinated (in Maharashtra). We can vaccinate 10 lakh people daily, but there is a limitation to the availability of vaccine.

Considering this, we need to be fully prepared to face the possible third wave.