Used oil - ISLANDS

Group 135 members
About this Group

Used oil from cars, trucks, ships, airplanes, agricultural machinery, and industrial processes contains dangerous pollutants. It is a serious health, environmental, and economic hazard if it is not properly handled, treated and disposed of.

Fortunately, a wide range of used oils can be recycled, recovered, and converted into market-ready products. Used oil recycling and recovery creates economic opportunities while avoiding the negative impacts of improper management and disposal.

This group provides space for exchange on safe and sustainable waste oil management, including recycling, recovery, and resale.

Group members are invited to share personal views and experiences with waste oil—for example, how waste oil discharge is impacting communities, or how businesses are converting waste into saleable products—as well as technical information, for example on refining processes, related regulations, or steps to managing waste oil at the national and local levels.

This group is convened in the context of the Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in Small Island States (ISLANDS) Programme. ISLANDS supports thirty-three Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Atlantic, Caribbean, Pacific and Indian Ocean to manage hazardous chemicals and waste safely and sustainably.

Would you like to find out more about used oil and what ISLANDS is doing about it? Visit our knowledge hub on to find dedicated information, news and opportunities on used oil management in SIDS.