Rule changes could lead to 2500 new homes for Dunedin

Harcourts Dunedin branch manager Richard Stringer says his agency has 30 buyers lined up for post...
Proposed zoning changes in suburban Dunedin could include allowing smaller site sizes and removing restrictions on tenancy of family flats. Photo: Getty Images
Rule changes could enable about 2500 more homes to be built in Dunedin.

Proposed zoning changes are expected to include new greenfield sites for development in areas that were zoned rural or rural residential and allow more areas of medium-density zoning, where the density of housing can be increased.

Proposed zoning changes in suburban Dunedin could include allowing smaller site sizes and removing restrictions on tenancy of family flats.

In August, the Dunedin City Council delayed proposed changes to its second-generation district plan about housing, because of appeals that needed to be resolved.

The work is progressing now.

Council city development manager Anna Johnson said the 2500 new homes would be in addition to the 3400 that the district plan was already expected to facilitate in the next 10 years.

"People will be able to see what the changes mean for their property when details are made public next month," Dr Johnson said.

Dunedin residents have previously been asked for their ideas about how and where the city should grow.

Feedback helped to inform what will be proposed.

The planned programme is expected to go before council next week.

People can make submissions on what is proposed from February 3.



Finally! Yet about 4 years too late...

