Andrew Cox


The entire body is connected and integrated.  Something that may seem trivial, such as the breath, might be the limiting factor in achieving something as meaningful as your new personal best.  Attention to the nuances and finer details of training, and the human body, is of great importance in developing long term , sustainable high levels of performance, growth and remaining pain free.  Confidence in the small things leads to confidence in the big.


Busy corporates who do not have time to mess around, a premium service with a down to earth attitude

Clients / Loved By / Visit It:

Busy Professionals, Busy Parents

About Andrew:

Corporate Wellness: Motivation, empowering, informing and educating or “enter-training” as once described.

Personal Training: Bang for your buck. Andrew’s breadth and depth of knowledge will give you a true understanding of what’s important for you longer term and how to achieve this with day to day actions.

Children: With kids we must develop the athlete before we specialise. Sessions must have adequate variability, athletic movement development and games to challenge, incrementally develop and engage in a supportive, at times competitive, disciplined environment.

Our kids need to learn to win and to lose. We learn from success and failure, the ratio should tip towards success but never shielding kids from the inevitable and valuable lessons to be gained from a loss. Effort is praised, result is applauded but secondary to effort. When we win we celebrate for a time and then acknowledge the work that goes into the result and then get back in and further develop.

On top of the standard athletic abilities Andrew believes creativity and imagination are skills to be valued and developed.

WATER: River, dam, pool, ocean, snow. If it’s H2O, whether in it or on it, Andrew loves it!

My Team: Enthusiastic, driven and well informed – a love for the people and the work they do.

Training and Background:

Fellow of Applied Functional Science (FAFS)
Chek Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 2
Master Trainer and Educator for:
– The National Academy of Sport Medicine (NASM)
– PTA Global (Faculty member)
– Powerplate International
– ViPR
– Freemotion


At the age of 24 Andrew left Australia and for 3 years he travelled with a backpack and surfboard, visiting around 30 countries. He had the time of his life.

3 Words to Describe You:

Passionate, exuberant, quirky

Sporting Achievement:

Andrew played at a national level of sport in Australia, has amateur boxing experience, competed in ocean swims and these all bring fond memories, but the biggest smile often comes when he talks with his Dad about the Tamworth City Lions Group 4 Rugby League grand final win the year before the club folded.  Come on the mighty Lions!

Human Fact:

2 Children & a passionate Australian/Italian wife!

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The Team