Signs that you need to be a better person to a lady friend

Treating her right is essential if you’re in a relationship with a woman. You’re missing out on something special if you don’t try to be a better person for your lady friend. Here are some signs that you need to be a better person to your lady friend:

You Treat Her Like You Would A Male Friend

This may seem obvious, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. If you want to be a better person for the constant female Cairns escorts in your life, treating her like a lady is essential, not like one of the guys. It means always being there for her as someone who cares about her well-being and happiness.

When you’re dating, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of being with someone new and forget that they have different needs than men, especially regarding relationships and marriage. If you treat your girlfriend like she were just another guy, then chances are that she won’t want to stick around for long.

You should respect her feelings, support her goals and desires, and be caring and affectionate towards her. And doing that doesn’t mean just when she’s having an off day or is feeling insecure about herself. 

You can also show your lady friend how much she means to you by offering to help with projects around the house or with errands if she needs it if these things are outside your regular routine.

Blonde woman in bed smiling at camera.

You Don’t Check On How She’s Doing

If you’re dating a woman, checking in on her is essential. Make sure she knows you care about her and are interested in how she’s doing. Call or message her to see how she’s feeling, and ask if there is anything you can do to help.

Messaging is probably the best way for most people because it feels more casual than calling, and there’s no risk of accidentally saying something inappropriate. Sending messages also gives you time to formulate your response before sending it, something that might be hard when talking over the phone, especially if she starts crying.

You Don’t Want To Get Married Or Have Kids

If you don’t want to get married or have kids, that’s fine. But if it’s something she wants, and she thinks that you’re going to be part of her future plans, and then you turn around and tell her that those things aren’t really on your radar at all, that’s going to hurt her feelings. 

We all have our own wants and needs in life, and it’s normal for us not to always align with each other. But when those differences are present between two people in an intimate relationship, there needs to be some communication so that everyone knows where they stand before things go too far. 

In Conclusion 

If you want a relationship that lasts past its expiration date, it’s time to change up your game. If you’re not treating your lady right and want to keep her around, give her the attention she deserves and make sure she knows how much you care about her.