MQRecord properties

WebSphere® MQ record properties apply to records with the MQRecord stereotype.

WebSphere MQ records can include any of the following properties:

Table 1. MQRecord properties
Property Description
containerContextDependent This property is obsolete; do not use it in new code.
fileName Required. Associates the name of a logical queue with the WebSphere MQ record.
getOptionsRecord Optional. Identifies a program variable (based on a BasicRecord) that controls reading from the message queue.
i4glItemsNullable Optional. Determines whether a record emulates the behavior of I4GL in creating variables as nullable by default.
includeMsgInTransaction Optional. Specifies whether to include the message as a recoverable resource in the unit of work for a program.
lengthItem Variable length records only. Specifies a variable that contains the current size of a variable length record.
msgDescriptorRecord Optional. Identifies a record variable that is used to set the characteristics of the message.
numElementsItem Variable length records only. Specifies a field in the record that contains the number of elements that are currently used in the last top-level structured field array.
openOptionsRecord Optional. Identifies a record variable that is used to set the conditions for opening an WebSphere MQ message queue.
openQueueExclusive Optional. Specifies whether your code has the exclusive ability to read from the message queue.
putOptionsRecord Optional. Identifies a record variable that is used to control writing to the message queue.
queueDescriptorRecord Optional. Identifies a record variable that is used to hold information about the structure of the message queue.
queueName Required. Specifies the message queue name (logical queue name rather than physical queue name).
textLiteralDefaultIsString Optional. If NO, literals without specific type designation receive a type based on the characters in the literal. This promotes compatibility with programs migrated from VisualAge® Generator.