Avoid These Mistakes In A Friends With Benefits Situation

Posted on Jul 27, 2022, 13:35 IST
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Image: Shutterstock

If there’s one thing that we learned from Jamie and Dylan in Friends With Benefits, it’s that hooking up with your best friend can often lead to trouble. We’re not saying you shouldn’t! On the contrary, it’s easy to see why a no-strings arrangement with a friend can be appealing to many. It’s more than a one-night stand but less than boyfriend/girlfriend status, yet it fills a need without deep-diving into anything too serious. But, in spite of all the benefits the situation has to offer, there are certain challenges too that it comes with. Curious? Here are some mistakes that you need to avoid in a friends-with-benefits situation.

Be Honest About Your Intentions
We’ll let you in on a secret—a friend with benefits situation only works out when both the parties are clear about their intentions for each other. If you’re sleeping with a friend who likes you and hopes you might want to get into a relationship with them, then it’s only going to hurt you both in the long run. This is exactly why you both should be having an honest talk about your expectations and intentions right at the beginning.

Don’t Behave Like You’re In A Relationship
You can’t be in a friends-with-benefits situation and expect your partner to accompany you to the doctor or to your cousin’s wedding. Boundaries are extremely important so that it stays purely sexual and doesn’t stray into relationship territory.
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Don’t Get Too Attached
Rule number one of any friends with benefits arrangement is to not get attached. Yes, they’re you’re friend and you’re allowed to have feelings for them- but only feelings that you’d typically have for your other friends. If you find yourself starting to have feelings for your partner, it’d be wise to take a step back, figure out your situation, and then continue if you feel like it.

Don’t Have Unrealistic Expectations
Just because you’re sleeping with your friend, doesn’t mean you expect them to be available for you every time you need them. Additionally, if you’re in the situation expecting it to become something more, we hate to break it to you but you’re going to wind up disappointed.
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Put Friendship First
An FWB arrangement probably means that the two of you are going to go back to being friends when you’re tired of it or when one of you finds a potential new love interest. This is why it’s important to focus on being a good friend throughout your FWB period, so that the transition back to being friends is seamless and uneventful.

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