How India affords a falling LPR

by Mahesh Vyas

There should be a limit to the unemployment rate rising or the labour force participation rate falling. Since employment in India is largely informal in nature and wages are quite low, people cannot afford to remain unemployed or choose not be employed by not being a part of the labour market for long. Informal jobs imply no compulsory savings and low wages imply no practical savings. If people cannot save then not working would imply that they will not be able to meet the minimum daily expenses ...

Unemployment Rate (30-DAY MVG. AVG.)
Per cent
8.2 -1.7
Consumer Sentiments Index
Base September-December 2015
111.5 0.0
Consumer Expectations Index
Base September-December 2015
112.5 0.0
Current Economic Conditions Index
Base September-December 2015
110.0 0.0
Quarterly Financials of Listed Companies
(% change) Jun 23 Sep 23 Dec 23 Mar 24
All listed Companies
 Income 4.5 4.7 6.5 13.9
 Expenses -0.0 3.5 7.0 14.5
 Net profit 45.1 48.1 22.0 0.1
 PAT margin (%) 10.1 10.3 9.7 14.0
 Count of Cos. 4,679 4,675 4,532 129
Non-financial Companies
 Income -1.6 -0.9 2.3 9.5
 Expenses -5.7 -1.8 3.1 7.3
 Net profit 39.3 66.7 25.7 6.7
 PAT margin (%) 8.2 8.4 7.7 13.2
 Net fixed assets 7.3 2.1
 Current assets 4.1 0.7
 Current liabilities 8.7 3.6
 Borrowings -2.1 5.4
 Reserves & surplus 8.2 7.5
 Count of Cos. 3,468 3,468 3,394 93
Numbers are net of P&E
Updated on: 25 Apr 2024 9:28AM
Annual Financials of All Companies
(% change) FY22 FY23 FY24
All Companies
 Income 26.0 16.7 7.9
 Expenses 25.0 16.7 5.5
 Net profit 72.1 10.9 19.5
 PAT margin (%) 5.5 5.5 14.4
 Assets 10.0 9.8 12.2
 Net worth 14.5 10.3 14.3
 RONW (%) 10.1 10.3 28.6
 Count of Cos. 34,999 32,775 19
Non-financial Companies
 Income 29.4 16.5 6.9
 Expenses 28.9 16.9 4.7
 Net profit 71.6 0.2 17.1
 PAT margin (%) 4.7 4.2 13.9
 Net fixed assets 4.3 4.7 16.1
 Net worth 14.2 8.8 14.5
 RONW (%) 10.9 10.2 29.1
 Debt / Equity (times) 0.9 0.9 0.2
 Interest cover (times) 3.2 3.2 24.9
 Net working capital cycle (days) 68 62 36
 Count of Cos. 27,477 25,738 17
Numbers are net of P&E
Updated on: 20 Apr 2024 1:38PM