Low number of Auckland and Waikato students return to school

School bags outside a classroom

Ministry of Education attendance data for Auckland and Waikato senior students reflects the contrast in what’s happening at different schools in the regions.

Approximately 32 per cent of Year 11 to 13 students across both regions attended school yesterday, or 20,900 students out of a total of around 71,800.

The ministry said in a response to 1News it’s important to note that the low attendance rate reflects that some of the 145 schools have asked senior students not to return as they continue with remote learning ahead of exams or for health and safety reasons during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Other schools are currently holding international exams with classrooms not open for learning and some have decided to stagger student attendance to reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission.

Of the 118 Auckland schools, the majority responded to the ministry’s survey, with 17 per cent of schools saying no senior students were onsite on Thursday while 29 per cent reported over half of their students were there.

The majority of Waikato’s 27 schools responded too, with 8 per cent reporting no senior students were in attendance and half of the schools responding that over half of Year 11 to 13’s back onsite.

Ministry of Education data shared with 1News shows two Waikato schools appear to have had 100 per cent of their Year 11 to 13 students back at school yesterday.

The top attendance rate for an Auckland high school was 95 per cent.


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