By the students of Mount Albert Grammar School

Submit your photos to the Visual Arts Department's 2024 photography competition. This year's theme is "In Motion"-- capture transient moments that convey a sense of movement and dynamism.

Mount Albert Grammar School's annual celebration of cultural performance returned on 4-5 April for a spectacular two-hour display of the school's cultural diversity and artistic talent.

The Greens lead The Roar's 2023 political poll, surpassing Labour, who dominated the 2020 MAGS poll results.

"Is there any meaning behind a life that never ends?" Simone de Beauvoir asks difficult existential questions in this week's reading pick by Jonathon Yu.

This year's Level One production, an homage to children's detective novels like 'Nancy Drew' and 'Friday Barnes, Girl Detective', foregrounds the comedic antics of teenage detectives against the backdrop of a murder mystery in small-town New Zealand. 

Zoe Burnett grew her busking career alongside Takapuna Market. Now, as it faces impending closure, she reflects on the market’s colourful characters, unique challenges, and the joys of performing.

The Level-1 drama production brought one of Roald Dahl's most iconic works to life, but cracks in Dahl's writing are showing. And they are not always pretty. 

In the most highly anticipated school production of the year, top drama students deliver a creative twist on Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.

The annual Duke of Edinburgh Bronze camp takes participants on a three-day adventurous journey into the depths and heights of the Coromandel.

As Kaloni Tovo overcame personal struggles at home, she learned to make the most of every opportunity presented to her. She hopes that the juniors she takes under her wing will do the same.


"But they all know to run,/when the fire erupts from the strange moon beast,/the spacecraft launches up into the endless black space"


"Into worlds so parallel that the travelers could walk unnoticed among the inhabitants/Into worlds split and disjointed, changed by a ripple thousands of years in the past"