
Mark Your Calendar
27th July, 2023

9AM to 3PM, Philippine time


Our Informative Webinars will explain why there has never been a more exciting time to work in renewable energy than now. Learn about career advancement, job stability, strong earning potential, in-demand opportunities, and the dynamic, innovative future of careers in solar energy.

The Career Fair We offer you the chance to learn more about Maxeon opportunities, get your resume into the hands of our recruiters, and even participate in virtual, on-the-spot interviews. Participation in the career fair is the single best first-step participants can take to begin their solar energy career journey!

Interactive Workshops These workshops will help you, career explorers, careers seekers, and even fresh graduate, prepare for industry internships and careers, and support technical universities looking to launch an energy curriculum!

Community Discussion Forums are all about building personal connections, insights, and perspectives particularly with regards to renewable energy. These sessions will kick off with opening topics that will set the stage for community conversations. Hop in and connect with our company leaders who have similar identities and common life experiences or pop into one of the general forums that will cover a host of considerations.