RÉCIT Vocational Training

English School Boards

We've Moved, but We Want to Stay in Touch!

Click Here to Visit the New RÉCIT Vocational Training Website

We've relocated our website to a new server. We have done our best to update all the links, but it seems that you followed one that we missed. Please send us an email to let us know. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Your RÉCIT VT resource team:

James Burn's portrait

James Burn



James Burn is an educational consultant with Riverside School Board and RÉCIT Provincial Service for Vocational Education. 

The 2022-23 school year marks his seventh year as a Vocational Training consultant for the nine English school boards in Quebec. 

Utilizing his love for teaching and passion for technology, he provides customized workshops and training to integrate technology into classrooms. 

Marc Vézina's portrait

Marc Vézina



Marc Vézina comes with years of grassroot experience in teaching trades, as he has been a cooking teacher for 17 years with the Lester B. Pearson School Board. He has embraced the implementation of technology in vocational training, both in support of learning and teaching, early in his career. As a creative and innovative person, he is now looking forward to collaborating with individuals committed to student’s success, and developing new tools and resources.